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Sophie Reine Head Coach

My name is Sophie Reine and I’m currently a senior at Tompkins High school. In the fall I will be attending Mississippi State University and I plan to major in biochemistry and forensic sciences. I have been doing swim team since I was 6 years old and can’t wait for this season to start!

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Cameron Born Assistant Coach

I am in 12th grade at Seven Lakes High School. I was a swim coach the past year and had a lot of fun. I plan to attend Oklahoma University.

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Scarlett Weller Assistant Coach

If you don’t know me from previous years my name is Scarlett Weller, and I am a junior at Jordan high school. I swam competitively for 6 years in addition to track and soccer. I am so excited to be back this summer. I love working with your kids and being able to share all the fun aspects of being on a swim team. Let’s have a great season!

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Katelyn Jury Assistant Coach

Hi, my name is Katelyn Jury and I am a senior at Tompkins High School. I have swam competitively for 10 years and just finished my fourth year on the varsity swim team at Tompkins. I started swimming for the Otters when I was 7 and have always wanted to coach. I am looking forward to this summer!

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Thomas Holberry Assistant Coach

My name is Thomas I’ve been a swimmer here for 14 years, I play varsity baseball at Tompkins High School, and for college I will be attending Ole Miss school of business.

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Kane Rosario Junior Coach

My name is Kane Rosario and I am currently a Junior at Seven Lakes high school where I am actively involved in the Varsity wrestling team. I love being involved with different sports in and out of the water and can’t wait to assist the coaching staff this year.

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Brooklyn Shepherd Junior Coach

My name is Brooklyn and I’m currently a junior at Seven Lakes High School. I swam for the Otters when I was a kid and had so much fun. I’m so excited to help out this season!

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Gianna Coffman Junior Coach

Hi I’m Gianna Coffman and I’m currently a junior at Tompkins High school! A fun fact about me is I love playing soccer. I wanted to be a swim coach because I’ve been doing summer league since I was kid and have always had so much fun. I am looking forward to this season!

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